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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡæmb(ə)l]



网络释义:输光第三人称单数:gambles  现在分词:gambling  过去式:gambled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.huge gamble,big gamble

v.+n.take gamble

v.play safe






v.1.to risk money or something valuable in the hope of winning more if you are lucky or if you guess something correctly2.to do something that involves risks but may result in benefits if things happen as you hope they will

n.1.an action or plan that involves risks but will bring important benefits if it is successful

1.输光 us( 我们) gambled( 赌博) on him,says( 讲) ...

3.孤注一掷 ancestors n. 祖先, 祖宗 gambled n. 冒险v.赌博, 投机, 孤注一掷 plagued n. 瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸 ...

4.投机 ancestors n. 祖先, 祖宗 gambled n. 冒险v.赌博, 投机, 孤注一掷 plagued n. 瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸 ...


1.He had gambled away most of his money before he came to his senses and decided to stop gambling.他在赌场上输掉了他的大部分钱财,然后才醒悟过来,决定戒赌。

2.Warren Harding, 29th U. S. president, played poker at least twice a week, and once gambled away an entire set of White House china.美国第29任总统沃伦·哈丁每周要至少打两次扑克,并且至少输掉一整套白宫瓷器。

3.And British voters will punish him, severely, if it turns out that he's gambled away the prospects for a strong economic recovery.他把英国的未来的经济发展当作赌注的,万一输得一塌糊涂,英国选民们可是不会善罢甘休的。

4.We took a cruise, gambled, stayed in a Nice hotel for a night, and all that.我们搭游船,赌博,并在一家不错的饭店待了一夜。

5.However, not for a week, her son, trying to shift the car secured 6 million, gambled the night, off the phone, missing.然而,还没过一个星期,她儿子竟将车抵押了6万元,一夜输光,关了手机,不知所踪。

6.He would have gambled away his last horses and weapons if I had not made him come away .他将放弃他最后一次赌博马匹和武器如果不是他开走。

7.His eldest son was caught trying to enter Japan in 2001 on his way to Tokyo Disneyland; he subsequently lived and gambled in Macau.他的大儿子2001年前往东京迪士尼公园时因企图进入日本而被扣押,后来就在澳门生活、赌博。

8.Something else Celia had gambled on today was that whatever the reaction to her speech, she would be allowed to finish.西莉亚今天押的另一个赌注是,不管对她的发言反应如何,都能让她把话讲完。

9.She was an opium addict who had numerous affairs and gambled away a lot of her family fortune.她是一位有过许多风流韵事的鸦片成瘾者,而且赌光大量的家庭财产。

10.Fred gambled all his money away while Jane saved every penny for her son's schooling.弗雷德赌输了他所有的钱,而珍妮却为儿子的
